Granola is such an easy breakfast, snack or even dessert. Store bought granola, however, is often filled with loads of sugar, preservatives and oils you should avoid like canola. Your choices are also limited when it comes to organic. It also is really expensive when you think about it. Yes, you are paying for the convenience of having it premade, but it is so easy to make homemade granola and has very limited hands on time.
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More on Organic Oats
Oats and wheat products are something that I ALWAYS buy organic. Why? Because oats are heavily sprayed in aka Roundup which main ingredient is a chemical called Glyphosate. Yuck. Some of the highest levels of glyphosates were found on the popular Quaker Oats Brand. The list also included Nature Valley, which is often portrayed as a “healthy” brand. Quaker Oats made a statement saying that the levels used or found were within the legal limit. Unfortunately, just because something is technically legal, doesn’t make it healthy or safe.
Glyphosates are linked to increasing your risk of cancer. It’s nasty stuff. Many farms workers who are regularly exposed to Roundup have died of cancer or have become extremely ill. It has also been shown to cause damage to the kidneys, liver, and skin cells. It also is very harmful to bees and wildlife. Overall, just a terrible chemical which shouldn’t be used on our foods. Recently, several European countries have voted to ban Roundup and have begun phasing it out.
In the United States, it still unfortunately is being used. The only way to avoid it is purchase organic products. The cancer rates in the US have risen significantly in the past 20 years mainly due to environmental factors and pesticides and chemicals in food. Thankfully, you have a choice to help protect yourself and your family and purchase organic. While I wish we didn’t use such harmful chemicals on our foods, I am grateful there are options, even if it will cost a little more money. I will always spend more money when it comes to food and our families health.
Main Ingredients
The beauty of homemade granola is you can easily customize it to your liking. Switch it up every week/month or use your favorite flavor combo on repeat. My recipe is a great base recipe that you can add or subtract from. Here are the ingredients I include and their benefits:
- Organic Rolled Oats – As I talked about above, I always use organic. I have found rolled vs. quick oats to work a little better for making granola. Oats are a great source of carbs and fiber as well as many nutrients including Magnesium, Iron, Folate, B vitamins, Zinc and Copper. They also are a great source of antioxidants, including Avenanthramides, which can help lower blood pressure.
- Chia Seeds: Chia seeds are high in fiber, antioxidants and are an excellent source of omega-3’s. They also are a good source of calcium, potassium, magnesium and fiber. I try to eat chia seeds every day if I can. You don’t need much, about 3 tbsp to take advantage of the nutritional benefits.
- Ground Flaxseed: Flaxseeds are another excellent source of omega-3s and fiber. A great boost to add to homemade granola, smoothies, and baked goods.

- Ceylon Cinnamon: Different than the regular cinnamon you probably see in store, Ceylon Cinnamon is high in antioxidants and contains anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. This type of cinnamon, native to Sri Lanka, has a lighter and brighter flavor than other cinnamon.
- Sweeteners: Raw Honey & Pure Maple Syrup: I avoid regular sugar, event the “organic” and “raw” sugar as much as possible. I love the flavors of raw honey and pure maple syrup. These sweeteners have health benefits and don’t spike your blood sugar the same way regular sugar does. Now, does this mean go ahead and dump a bunch of syrup or honey on anything, no, haha. Everything in moderation! Raw honey , and preferably local, is the best honey you can get. Processed honey takes away the nutrients and flavor of honey. When you eat raw honey, you are able to take advantage of the antioxidants and antimicrobial properties.
Pure organic maple syrup has some surprising health benefits that are often overlooked. Maple syrup has many antioxidants and minerals including Manganese, a mineral that aids in digestion and development, B vitamins including B2, B1, and B5, Magnesium, Zinc, and Potassium. Amazing!
Maple Valley Organic Maple Syrup | U.S Grade A
Raw Berry Wildflower Honey – Glass Jar - Vanilla: I recently switched over to vanilla powder and absolutely love it. I like that the only ingredient is Grade A Pure Madagascar Vanilla Beans. Be careful, a lot of vanilla powders on the market contain mainly sugar, or dextrose, gums and starches. Stuff you really don’t want. This specific brand uses high quality beans and a non heating process, so flavor is not compromised. Plus, a little goes a long way! Totally worth the price.
Pure Ground Vanilla Powder | Pure Madagascar Grade A
Optional Add-ins
- Nuts and Seeds: Nuts and seeds have tons of added health benefits including iron, magnesium, antioxidants, potassium and much more. I use whatever I have on hand. This time I used pistachios and pine nuts. Some of my favorites include pumpkin seeds, walnuts and cashews.
- Dried Fruits : I love to add homemade apple chips, dates and raisins to my granola. I typically mix them in once the granola is done cooking at the end. Be careful when buying store bought dried fruits. A lot of them have preservatives and/or added sugar. It’s super easy to make apple chips or dried fruit at home in the oven. Low and slow in the oven and you’re ready to go. Keep in mind this also make your granola a tad sweeter, therefore it may be best to use less honey or maple syrup.
My Favorite Non-Toxic Kitchen Tools:

Homemade Powerhouse Granola
- 5 Cups Organic Rolled Oats
- ¼ Cup Pure Maple Syrup
- ¼ Cup Raw Honey
- ⅔ Cup Slightly Softened Coconut Oil, Refined
- 1 ½ Tbsp Vanilla
- 1 Tbsp Ground Ceylon Cinnamon
- 1 Tsp Fine Sea Salt
- ¼ Cup Ground Flaxseed
- ¼ Cup Chia Seeds
- 2 Cups Nuts ( walnuts, almonds, whatever you prefer!)
- 1 Cup Seeds ( sunflower or pumpkin work great)
- 1 Cup Dried fruit ( like apple chips, raisins, dates, blueberries)
- Preheat oven to 325° and place rack in center
- Line baking sheet with parchment paper or silicone sheet
- In large mixing bowl add dry ingredients, then wet ingredients. ( Do not add dried fruit. If using raw nuts or seeds, mix them in. If already roasted wait until after baking). Mix until incorporated. No need to break up chunks or clusters. I love clusters in my granola. You may need to add a little more oats, or coconut oil to get the consistency you prefer.
- Spread mixture onto baking sheet, creating more clusters if desired
- Place on center rack in preheated oven for about 20 minutes, stirring halfway, until golden brown
- Remove and mix in dried fruit and nuts/seeds ( if already roasted) once cooled if desired
- Store in air tight container in a dark and cool spot for up to two weeks